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Peter Gabriel – Recording Compendium (7) 1991 – 1994
Endlich brachte Gabriel den Nachfolger zu So heraus: Das Album US. In der Folge veröffentlichte er auch ein Livealbum zur zugehörigen Tour, zwei CD-ROMs und war noch bei vielen anderen Musikprojekten dabei.
Offizielles, Demos, Outtakes & mehr
Teil 7: US | 1991 – 1994
Stand: 28.02.2025
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Auch wenn sich Peter Gabriel ab 1991 intensiv seinem kommenden Album widmete, konnte er wohl trotzdem schwer „Nein“ sagen, wenn sich Möglichkeiten boten, mit anderen Künstlern wie etwa Christa Fast, seinem Drummer Manu Katché oder Sinéad O’Connor zusammen zu arbeiten…

Fishermans Song
(Annette Humpe – Christa Fast) (1:59)
Recording date: May 1988 – 1991
Recording location: Conny’s Studio/Wolperath, Real World Studios/Box
Produced by: Christa Fast, Ingo Krauss & Bruno Gebhard
Performed by: Peter Gabriel (vocals), Annette Humpe (piano), Holger Czukay, Rüdiger Ellze, Jaki Liebezeit (drums), Ingo Krauss, Bruno Gebhard, Christa Fast, Dieter Möbius & Konrad Plank (tapes)
First official release/Best available source: 1992 – Christa Fast Die Nixe – The Mermaid (GER CD//EMI CDP 564-0777 7 81073 2 3)

Warm Doorway
(Manu Katché – Connie Fisher/Sophie Duez) (3:16)
Recording date: 1991
Recording location: ?
Produced by: Manu Katché & Philippe Abitbol
Performed by: Manu Katché (vocals/drums/percussion) feat. Peter Gabriel (vocals), David Rhodes (guitar), Simon Clark (organ), Pino Palladino (bass)
First official release/Best available source: January 1992 – Manu Katché It’s About Time (CD//BMG 262617)

Silent Night
(Traditional) (3:44)
Silent Night (Long Version) *
(Traditional) (4:44)
Recording date: 1991
Recording location: Real World Studios/Box
Produced by: Sinéad O’Connor & Peter Gabriel
Performed by: Sinéad O’Connor (vocals) feat. Peter Gabriel (keyboards)
First official release: 2nd December 1991 – Sinéad O’Connor Silent Night (Single CD/Ensign ENYCD 652)
Best available source: same
* First official release: 25th December 1991 – The Ghosts Of Oxford Street (TV movie)
* Best available source: Sinéad O’Connor I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got (Limited Edition) (CD//Chrysalis 50999 6 96059 2 5)
Den Luxus, nun ein eigenes Studio samt festangestellter Mannschaft zur Verfügung zu haben, kostete Peter Gabriel in vollen Zügen aus. Neben einem Soundtrack-Beitrag für Wim Wenders ließ er bei zahlreichen Sessions den anwesenden Musikern freien Lauf und schnitt alles mit. Laut Techniker Richard Blair entstanden so hunderte Bänder mit Material. Auch bei der ersten „Real World Recording Week“ mit jeder Menge Gäste aus aller Welt entstanden Ideen zu Songs, die teilweise erst viel später vollendet wurden…

Blood Of Eden „Kiss The Bliss“
(Peter Gabriel) (7:37)
Recording/mixing date: 22nd May 1991
First official release/Best available source: 20th August 2024 – Peter Gabriel Blood Of Eden – Kiss The Bliss (subscriber HD FLAC download //petergabriel.bandcamp.com/track/blood-of-eden-kiss-the-bliss)

Blood Of Eden (Special Mix for Wim Wenders „Until The End Of The World“) [„Kiss The Bliss“ edit]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:42)
First official release: 12th September 1991 – Until The End Of The World (movie release)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Flotsam And Jetsam [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)

N’Doh [demo snippet]
(Peter Gabriel) ()
The Eye [demo snippet]
(Peter Gabriel) ()
Taste Of Lime [demo snippet]
(Peter Gabriel) ()
Lovetown [demo snippet]
(Peter Gabriel) ()
Burn You Up [demo snippet]
(Peter Gabriel) ()
Recording date: August 1991
Recording location: Real World Studios/Box
Produced by: Daniel Lanois & Peter Gabriel
Performed by: see album credits
First official release: 21st December 1993 – Peter Gabriel XPLORA1 (CD-rom//Real World XPLORA3)
Best available source: same (mpeg file)

Liquid Selves [demo]
(Peter Gabriel/John Paul Jones) (2:14)
Recording date: 1991/92
Recording location: Real World Studios/Box
First official release: 1992 – animation clip by Karls Sims for Memory Palace/Barcelona & Art Futura
Best available source: same (mpeg file)

Feed The Flame [Downside Up Demo]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:34)
Recording date: 1991/92
Recording location: Real World Studios/Box
First official release/Best available source: 23rd May 2005 – Peter Gabriel „Full Moon Club“ (mp3 download)
Album Tracks
Bis Juni 1992 wurde noch am neuen 10-Track-Album namens US gefeilt, welches schließlich Ende September auf den Markt kam…

Come Talk To Me
(Peter Gabriel) (7:02)
Love To Be Loved
(Peter Gabriel) (5:14)
Blood Of Eden
(Peter Gabriel) (6:33)
(Peter Gabriel) (6:00)
Only Us
(Peter Gabriel) (6:29)
Washing Of The Water
(Peter Gabriel) (3:49)
Digging In The Dirt
(Peter Gabriel) (5:14)
Fourteen Black Paintings
(Peter Gabriel) (4:34)
Kiss That Frog
(Peter Gabriel) (5:14)
Secret World
(Peter Gabriel) (6:58)
Recording date: October 1989 – June 1992
Recording location: Real World Studios/Box
Produced by: Daniel Lanois & Peter Gabriel
Performed by: see album credits
First official release: 28th September 1992 – Peter Gabriel US (UK CD//Virgin PGCD 7)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel US [2002 remaster] (96kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)
Einige Outtakes der Sessions wurden als Single-B-Seiten beziehungsweise als Soundtrack-Beitrag veröffentlicht…

(Peter Gabriel) (4:48)
First official release: September 1992 – Peter Gabriel Digging In the Dirt (UK CDS//Virgin PGSDX 7)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Flotsam And Jetsam [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)
Quiet Steam
(Peter Gabriel) (6:24)
First official release: September 1992 – Peter Gabriel Digging In the Dirt (UK CDS//Virgin PGSDX 7)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Flotsam And Jetsam [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)

(Peter Gabriel) (5:27)
First official release/Best available source: December 1993 – Various Artists Philadelphia – Music From The Motion Picture (US CD//Epic Soundtrax EK 57624)
Abweichende Versionen
Wie mittlerweile üblich, tauchen in der Folgezeit zahlreiche Versionen fast aller Album-Tracks auf…

Blood Of Eden (Tears Mix)
(Peter Gabriel) (7:03)
Recording/mixing date: 10th December 1991
First official release/Best available source: 15th November 2024 – Peter Gabriel Blood Of Eden (Tears Mix) (subscriber HD FLAC download //petergabriel.bandcamp.com/track/blood-of-eden-tears-mix)

Blood Of Eden (Tears Mix 2)
(Peter Gabriel) (6:49)
Recording/mixing date: 10th December 1991
First official release/Best available source: 1st December 2024 – Peter Gabriel Blood Of Eden (Tears Mix 2) (subscriber HD FLAC download //petergabriel.bandcamp.com/track/blood-of-eden-tears-mix-2)

Blood Of Eden [alternate mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:53)
First official release: —
Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel US Demos

Blood Of Eden (Radio Edit)
(Peter Gabriel) (5:05)
First official release: March 1993 – Peter Gabriel Blood Of Eden (UK promo CD/Virgin PGSCDJ 9)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel HIT (/MISS) [2003 remaster] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)

Blood Of Eden [5.1 surround mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:36)
Remix date: 2004
Remixed by: Daniel Lanois & Richard Chappell with Paul Grady
First official release/Best available source: 25th October 2004 – Peter Gabriel PLAY – The Videos (EU DVD//Warner 5050467-5681-2-9)

Digging In The Dirt [alternate mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (5:14)
First official release: —
Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel US Demos

Digging In The Dirt (Instrumental)
(Peter Gabriel) (5:11)
First official release: September 1992 – Peter Gabriel Digging In The Dirt (UK CDS//Virgin PGSDX 7)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Flotsam And Jetsam [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)

Digging In The Dirt (Radio Edit)
(Peter Gabriel) (4:27)
First official release/Best available source: September 1992 – Peter Gabriel Digging In The Dirt (UK promo CD/Virgin PGSCDJ 7)

Digging In The Dirt (Remix)
(Peter Gabriel) (6:18)
First official release:
Best available source: Copymasters (???)

Digging In The Dirt (Raw Stylus Mix) *
(Peter Gabriel) (7:23)
Digging In The Dirt (Raw Stylus Mix Radio Edit)
(Peter Gabriel) (4:48)
Remix date: 1992
Remixed by: Raw Stylus with Simon Booth
First official release/Best available source: September 1992 – Peter Gabriel Digging In the Dirt (Raw Stylus Mix) (GER CDS//Virgin 665 583)
* Best available source: Peter Gabriel Flotsam And Jetsam [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)

Digging In The Dirt (Instruest Mix)
(Peter Gabriel) (4:12)
Remix date: 1992
Remixed by: John Pillin
First official release/Best available source: 1992 – Various Artists Ultra Hot Razor Disc 4 (US promo CD//Art Of Mix UHCD04)

Digging In The Dirt (Rich E Mix)
(Peter Gabriel) (7:28)
Digging In The Dirt [rich e alternate mix] *
(Peter Gabriel) (7:27) ?
Remix date: 1993
Remixed by: Richard Evans
First official release: 9th September 1993 – Peter Gabriel Kiss That Frog (UK CDS//Virgin PGSDG10)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Flotsam And Jetsam [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)
* First official release: —
* Best available source: ???

Digging In The Dirt [remix application]
(Peter Gabriel)
First official release: 21st December 1993 – Peter Gabriel XPLORA1 (CD-rom//Real World XPLORA3)
Best available source: same

Digging In The Dirt [5.1 surround mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (5:28)
Remix date: 2004
Remixed by: Daniel Lanois & Richard Chappell with Paul Grady
First official release/Best available source: 25th October 2004 – Peter Gabriel PLAY – The Videos (EU DVD//Warner 5050467-5681-2-9)

Digging In The Dirt [instrumental remix]
(Peter Gabriel) (3:49)
Remix date: 2004
Remixed by: Daniel Lanois & Richard Chappell with Paul Grady
First official release/Best available source: 25th October 2004 – Peter Gabriel PLAY – The Videos (EU DVD//Warner 5050467-5681-2-9)

Steam [alternate mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:00)
First official release: —
Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel US Demos

Steam (Edit)
(Peter Gabriel) (4:44)
First official release/Best available source: January 1993 – Peter Gabriel Steam (US promo CD//Geffen PRO-CD-4484)

Steam (Oh, Oh, Let Off Steam Mix)
(Peter Gabriel) (4:33)
Steam (Oh, Oh, Let Off Steam Mix 12″) *
(Peter Gabriel) (6:43)
Steam (Oh, Oh, Let Off Steam Mix Dub) *
(Peter Gabriel) (5:46)
Remix date: 1992
Remixed by: The Bomb Squad
First official release: January 1993 – Peter Gabriel Steam (UK 12″//Virgin PGST 812)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Steam (US promo CD//Geffen PRO-CD-4484)
* Best available source: Peter Gabriel Flotsam And Jetsam [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)

Steam (Digital Mix)
(Peter Gabriel) (6:05)
Remix date: 1993
Remixed by: Chris Cox
First official release/Best available source: 1993 – Various Artists Hot Tracks 12-1 (US CD//Hot Tracks HT-CD-12-1)

Steam [5.1 surround mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (5:19)
Remix date: 2004
Remixed by: Daniel Lanois & Richard Chappell with Paul Grady
First official release/Best available source: 25th October 2004 – Peter Gabriel PLAY – The Videos (EU DVD//Warner 5050467-5681-2-9)

Kiss That Frog [alternate mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (5:43)
First official release: —
Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel US Demos

Kiss That Frog (Edit)
(Peter Gabriel) (4:15)
First official release/Best available source: 9th September 1993 – Peter Gabriel Kiss That Frog (UK CDS//Virgin PGSDG10)

Kiss That Frog (Funky Frog) *
(Peter Gabriel) (4:03)
Kiss That Frog (Mindblender Mix) **
(Peter Gabriel) (6:46)
Kiss That Frog (Mindblender Mix Edit) ***
(Peter Gabriel) (3:56)
Remix date: (* early) 1993
Remixed by: William Orbit
* First official release/Best available source: 16th September 2024 – Peter Gabriel Kiss That Frog (Funky Frog) (subscriber HD FLAC download//petergabriel.bandcamp.com/track/kiss-that-frog-funky-frog)
** First official release: 9th September 1993 – Peter Gabriel Kiss That Frog (UK CDS//Virgin PGSDG10)
** Best available source: Peter Gabriel Flotsam And Jetsam [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)
*** First official release/Best available source: 9th September 1993 – Peter Gabriel Kiss That Frog (UK CDS//Virgin PGSDX10)

Kiss That Frog [5.1 surround mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:13)
Remix date: 2004
Remixed by: Daniel Lanois & Richard Chappell with Paul Grady
First official release/Best available source: 25th October 2004 – Peter Gabriel PLAY – The Videos (EU DVD//Warner 5050467-5681-2-9)

Secret World (Piano Mix)
(Peter Gabriel) (6:59)
Recording date: 2nd February 1991
First official release/Best available source: 1st November 2024 – Peter Gabriel Secret World (Piano Mix) (subscriber HD FLAC download//petergabriel.bandcamp.com/track/secret-world-piano-mix)

Secret World [instrumental]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:57)
First official release/Best available source: October 2003 – Peter Gabriel HIT – Various Instrumentals CD (UK acetate CD//Virgin)

Secret World (Radio Edit)
(Peter Gabriel) (4:32)
First official release/Best available source: 1993 – Peter Gabriel Secret World (US promo CD//Geffen PR-CD-4519)

Come Talk To Me [alternate mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (7:24)
First official release: —
Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel US Demos

Come Talk To Me (Clearmountain Mix Edit)
(Peter Gabriel) (4:40)
Remix date: 1993
Remixed by: Bob Clearmountain
First official release/Best available source: 1993 – Peter Gabriel Come Talk To Me (US promo CD//Geffen PR-CD-4537)

Come Talk To Me [remix application]
(Peter Gabriel)
First official release/Best available source: December 1996 – Peter Gabriel eVe (CD-rom//Real World BBFC 12 ESRB 17)

Lovetown (Radio Edit)
(Peter Gabriel) (4:20)
First official release/Best available source: May 1994 – Peter Gabriel Lovetown (UK promo CD//Epic XPCD 441)

Lovetown [edit]
(Peter Gabriel) (5:21)
First official release: 14th November 2003 – Peter Gabriel HIT (/MISS) (EU 2CD/EMI 5952372)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel HIT (/MISS) [2003 remaster] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)

Lovetown [5.1 surround mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (5:31)
Remix date: 2004
Remixed by: Daniel Lanois & Richard Chappell with Paul Grady
First official release/Best available source: 25th October 2004 – Peter Gabriel PLAY – The Videos (EU DVD//Warner 5050467-5681-2-9)

Lovetown [instrumental remix]
(Peter Gabriel) (2:00)
Remix date: 2004
Remixed by: Stefan Goodchild with Richard Chappell & Dominic Monks
First official release/Best available source: 25th October 2004 – Peter Gabriel PLAY – The Videos (EU DVD//Warner 5050467-5681-2-9)
Gabriels Freude an Zusammenarbeiten riss nicht ab! Dieses Mal dabei: Fischer-Z, Peace Together, Jam Nation und Milton Nascimento…

Further From Love
(John Watts) (3:46)
Recording date: 1992
Recording location: Real World Studios/Box
Produced by: Richard Evans & John Watts
Performed by: Fischer-Z (John Watts) feat. Peter Gabriel (backing vocals) u.a.
First official release: 5th October 1992 – Fischer-Z Destination Paradise (EU CD//Harvest 7 80501 2 4)
Best available source: Fischer-Z Highlights 1979 To 2004 [2004 remasters] (EU 2CD//EMI 7243 8 66609 2 3)

Be Still
(Nick Kelly) (3:52)
Recording date: 1993
Recording location: Westside Studios & Metropolis/London
Produced by: Clive Langer
Performed by: Peace Together = Peter Gabriel, Sinead O’Connor, Nanci Griffith & Feargal Sharkey (vocals), Jah Wobble (bass), John Reynolds (drums), Luis Jardim (percussion), Andrew Paresi & Pete Davis (drum programming), nick kelly (ac. guitar), Clive Langer (guitar), Tim Dorney (keyboards), Liam O’Maonlai (whistle/bodrum/vocals)
First official release/Best available source: 20th July 1993 – Various Artists Peace Together (US CD//Island 314-518 063-2)

La Visite Est Terminée
(Cleo Torres, Jah Wobble, John Gosling, Karl Wallinger, Mark Rutherford, Peter Gabriel) (4:07)
Recording date: 1992 & 1993
Recording location: Real World Sutdios/Bath & Mekon Studios/?
Produced by: Mark Rutherford, Sugar J, Karl Wallinger & Peter Gabriel
Performed by: Jam Nation (Mark Rutherford & Sugar J) feat. Karl Wallinger, Jah Wobble, Billy Cobham, Cleo Torres a.o. (without Peter Gabriel)
First official release/Best available source: 11th September 1993 – Jam Nation Way Down Below Buffalo Hell (EU CD//Real World Records CDRW36)

Qualquer Coisa A Haver Com O Paraiso
(Milton Nascimento/Flávio Venturini) (6:59)
Recording date: 1993
Recording location:
Produced by: Russ Titelman, Milton Nascimento, Marcio Ferreira & Matt Pierson
Performed by: Milton Nascimento (vocals/piano/guitar) feat. Peter Gabriel (vocals), Anthony Jackson (bass), Flávio Venturini & Wilson Lobes (guitar), Ronaldo Silva & Robertinho Silva (drums/percussion), Hugo Fattoruso (piano), Jeff Bova & Tulia Mourao (keyboards)
First official release/Best available source: 1993 – Milton Nascimento Angelus (BRA CD//Warner Bros. M945501-2)
Live Tracks
Die ausgedehnte Secret World-Tour fand in zwei Abschnitten statt: zum einen von April bis November 1993 und im Folgejahr noch einmal von Februar bis August. Mitunter waren die Konzerte Teil von WOMAD-Festivals. Der 1994 veröffentlichte Konzertmitschnitt stammt vom Ende des ersten Abschnitts…

Come Talk To Me [live 1993]
Come Talk To Me [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:13)
Steam [live 1993]
Steam [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (7:45)
Across The River [live 1993]
Across The River [live 1993 remix *]
(Stewart Copeland/Peter Gabriel/David Rhodes/Shankar) (6:00)
Slow Marimbas [live 1993]
Slow Marimbas [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (1:41)
Shaking The Tree [live 1993]
Shaking The Tree [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (9:18)
Red Rain [live 1993]
Red Rain [live 1993 remix **]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:15)
Blood Of Eden [live 1993]
Blood Of Eden [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:58)
Kiss That Frog [live 1993]
Kiss That Frog [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (5:58)
Washing Of The Water [live 1993]
Washing Of The Water [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:07)
Solsbury Hill [live 1993]
Solsbury Hill [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:42)
Digging In The Dirt [live 1993]
Digging In The Dirt [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (7:36)
Sledgehammer [live 1993]
Sledgehammer [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:58)
Secret World [live 1993]
Secret World [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (9:10)
Don’t Give Up [live 1993]
Don’t Give Up [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (7:35)
In Your Eyes [live 1993]
In Your Eyes [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (11:32)
Recording date: 16th & 17th November 1993
Recording location: Palasport Nuovo/Modena + Real World Studios/Box & Guillaume Tell Studios/Paris (overdubs)
Produced by: Peter Gabriel & Peter Walsh
Performed by: see album credits
First official release: September 1994 – Peter Gabriel Secret World Live (UK 2CD//Virgin PGDCD 8)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Secret World Live (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)
* / ** Remix Date: 2002
* / ** Remixed in Stereo & 5.1 by: Peter Walsh
* First official release: 14th April 2003 – Peter Gabriel Secret World Live (DVD//Real World Records PGDVD1)
* / ** Best available source (** First official release): Peter Gabriel Secret World Live (Blu-ray//Real World Records ERBRD5140)
Einige Ergänzungen zum Live-Album wurden ebenfalls offiziell veröffentlicht…

San Jacinto [live 1993]
San Jacinto [live 1993 remix *]
(Peter Gabriel) (8:27)
First official release: August 1994 – Peter Gabriel SW Live EP (EU CDS//Virgin PGSCDF 11)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Secret World Live (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)
* Remix date: 2002
* Remixed in stereo & 5.1 by: Peter Walsh
* First official release: 14th April 2003 – Peter Gabriel Secret World Live (DVD//Real World Records PGDVD1)
* Best available source: Peter Gabriel Secret World Live (Blu-ray//Real World Records ERBRD5140)

Come Talk To Me [live 1993 edit]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:10)
Come Talk To Me [live 1993 edit 2] *
(Peter Gabriel) (3:31)
Red Rain [live 1993 edit]
(Peter Gabriel) (5:12)
Digging In The Dirt [live 1993 edit]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:23)
Secret World [live 1993 edit]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:10)
First official release/Best available source: August 1994 – Peter Gabriel SW Live EP (US promo CD//Geffen PRO-CD-4677)
* First official release/Best available source: August 1994 – Peter Gabriel Red Rain (UK promo CD//Virgin PGSCDJ 11)

Biko [live 1994]
(Peter Gabriel) (8:06)
Recording date: 14th August 1994
Recording location: Woodstock Festival/Saugherties
Produced by: Lary Hamby, Bob Clearmoutain & Mitch Maketansky
First official release/Best available source: 1994 – Various Artists Woodstock ’94 (US 2CD//A&M Records 31454 0289-2)
1994 brachte schließlich auch noch einige interessante und wichtige Kollaborationen mit Toni Childs, Manu Dibango, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan und Beatles-Produzent George Martin hervor…

I Met A Man
(Toni Childs) (4:42)
Recording date: 1994 ?
Recording location: Real World Studios/Box
Produced by: Toni Childs & David Botrill
Performed by: Toni Childs (vocals/synthesizer) feat. Peter Gabriel (vocals), Robert Fripp (frippertronics) u.a.
First official release/Best available source: 27th May 1994 – Toni Childs The Woman’s Boat (EU CD//Geffen GED 24618)

Biko [Manu Dibango version]
(Peter Gabriel) (5:13)
Biko [Manu Dibango version radio edit] *
(Peter Gabriel) (3:47)
Biko [Manu Dibango version remix] *
(Peter Gabriel) (4:50)
Recording date: 1994
Recording location: Bastille Studio/Guillaume Tel Studios & Ferber Studio/Paris Metropolis/London, The Hit Factory/New York, Capitol Studios, Saturn Sound Studios & The Complex/Los Angeles.
Produced by: George Acogny
Performed by: Manu Dibango (saxophone/keyboards) feat. Peter Gabriel (keyboards/Vocals), Manu Katché (drums), Dominic Miller, Vincent N’Guini (guitar), Armand Sabal-Leco (bass), Michael Fisher (percussion), Francis M’Bappé (programming), Sinéad O’Connor, Geoffrey Oryema, Alex Brown, Ladysmith Black Mambazo (vocals)
First official release/Best available source: 13th June 1994 – Manu Dibango Wakafrika (GER CD//Intercord INT 845.215)
* Remixed by: Brendan O’Brien
* First official release/Best available source: 1994 – Manu Dibango Biko (GER. CD//Intercord INT 825.402)

Taboo [edit]
(Peter Gabriel/Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan) (4:22)
Recorded: 1994 ?
Recording location: ?
Produced by: Peter Gabriel & David Bottrill
Performed by: Peter Gabriel & Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
First official release/Best available source: 23rd August 1994 – Various Artists Natural Born Killers – Music From And inspired By Natural Born Killers – An Oliver Stone Film (US CD//Nothing Interscope 6544-92460-2)

Taboo [new edit]
(Peter Gabriel/Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan) (5:47)
First official release/Best available source: 13th April 2019 – Peter Gabriel Rated PG [2019 remaster?] (48kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)

(George Gershwin/DuBosse Heyward/Dorothy Heyward/Ira Gershwin) (3:49)
Recording date: 1994
Recording location: Air Lyndhurst Studios
Produced by: George Martin & Giles Martin
Performed by: Peter Gabriel feat. Larry Adler (harp)
First official release: 27th September 1994 – Various Artists The Glory Of Gershwin (US CD//Mercury 314 526 091-2)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Flotsam And Jetsam [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/24bit PCM download//Real World Productions)
Eine neue Version von Washing Of The Water entstand 2003 mit Jools Holland. Die drei Songs Blood Of Eden, Washing Of The Water und Digging In The Dirt fanden außerdem ein neues Zuhause auf dem Orchester-Album New Blood (2010/11).
Autor: Steffen Gerlach
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