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Phil Collins – Recording Compendium, Teil 3: 1979 – 1981
Der dritte Teil des Phil Collins Recording Compendiums beschäftigt sich mit den Aktivitäten von Phill Collins rund um sein Debütalbum Face Value.
Teil 3: Face Value | 1979 – 1981
Stand: 17.02.2025 | Übersicht | zurück zu Teil 2 | weiter zu Teil 4

Phil Collins konnte seine Auszeit im kanadischen Vancouver leider nicht nutzen, um seine Ehe zu retten. Ablenkung findet er unmittelbar nach seiner Rückkehr, als er sich mit seinen Buddies von Brand X in Ringo Starrs Studio verschanzt, um Material für ein neues Album einzuspielen. Das Kollektiv arbeitet kurioserweise in zwei Besetzungen, was eine Fülle an Session-Material hervorbringt, welches in der Folgezeit auf drei Alben verteilt veröffentlicht wird. Mr. Collins ist auf folgenden Tracks zu hören…

Don’t Make Waves *
(John Goodsall) (5:28)
Soho *
(John Goodsall/Phil Collins) (3:38)
…And So to F… *
(Phil Collins) (6:29)
Algon (Where An Ordinary Cup Of Drinking Chocolate Costs £8,000,000,000) *
(Robin Lumley) (6:10)
Rhesus Perplexus *
(John Giblin) (3:59)
Wal To Wal *
(Percy Jones/John Giblin) (3:14)
April *
(John Giblin) (2:36) (CD 2:08)

Pool Room Blues **
(Phil Collins/John Giblin/John Goodsall/Percy Jones/Robin Lumley/Peter Robinson) (2:51)
Soho [alternate mix]***
(John Goodsall/Phil Collins) (3:38)

Voidarama ****
(John Goodsall) (4:21)
Triumphant Limp ****
(John Goodsall/John Giblin/Robin Lumley/Phil Collins) (7:34)

Ipanaemia [1982 mix]*****
(John Goodsall) (4:30) (CD 4:13)
A Longer April [April 1982 remix]*****
(John Giblin) (7:00) (CD 7:23)
Modern, Noisy And Effective [Soho 1982 remix]*****
(John Goodsall/Robin Lumley/Steven Short) (3:56)
Swan Song [1982 mix]*****
(Phil Collins/John Giblin/Robin Lumley/Steven Short) (5:37)
Recording date: April 1979
Recording location: Startling Studios/Ascot
*/**/***Produced by: Brand X, Colin Green, Neil Kernon
****Produced by: Brand X, Neil Kernon
*****Produced by: Robin Lumley & Steven Short
Performed by: Brand X
*First official release: 14th September 1979 – Brand X Product (UK LP//Charisma CAS 1147)
**/***First official release: 1979 – Brand X Soho (UK 12″//Charisma CB 340-12)
**Best available source: Brand X A History 1976 – 1980 (US CD//Caroline Records CAROL 1116-2)
***Best available source: Brand X Soho (UK 12″//Charisma CB 340-12)
****First official release: 18th April 1980 – Brand X Do They Hurt? (UK LP//Charisma CAS 1151)
*/****Best available source: Brand X Nuclear Burn: The Charisma Albums 1976-1980 [2014 remasters] (EU 4CD//Virgin 5353532)
*****First official release: September 1982 – Brand X Is There Anything About? (US LP//Passport Records PB 6016)
*****Best available source: Brand X Is There Anything About? (EU CD//Gonzo Multimedia HST168CD)
Es folgen Gastspiele auf Alben von Camel, von Colosseum-Keyboarder Dave Greenslade, Jack Lancaster aus dem Brand X-Umfeld und erstmals auch von seinem neuen Freund Stephen Bishop.

(Andrew Latimer/John McBurie) (5:02)
Your Love Is Stranger Than Mine
(Andrew Latimer/Andy Ward/Colin Bass/Jan Schelhaas) (3:24)
Hymn To Her
(Andrew Latimer, Jan Schelhaas) (5:36)
Neon Magic
(Andrew Latimer/Jan Schelhaas/Viv McAuliffe) (4:38)
Recording date: Summer 1979
Recording location: Farmyard Studios/Little Chalfont, A.I.R./London (orchestral overdubs)
Produced by: Rupert Hine
Performed by: Camel feat. Phil Collins (percussion)
First official release: September 1979 – Camel I Can See Your House From Here (UK LP/Decca TXS-R 132)
Best available source: Camel I Can See Your House From Here [2009 remaster] (UK CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC 2158)

Three Brides
(Dave Greenslade) (5:53)
(Dave Greenslade) (3:51)
Forest Kingdom
(Dave Greenslade) (3:50)
(Dave Greenslade) (3:02)
Lament For The Sea
(Dave Greenslade) (3:06)
Miasma Generator
(Dave Greenslade) (5:20)
Recording date: 1979?
Recording location: Trident Studios/London
Produced by: Robin Lumley
Performed by: Dave Greenslade feat. Phil Collins (drums, percussion)
First official release: November 1979 – Patrick Woodroffe/Dave Greenslade The Pentateuch Of The Cosmogony (UK 2LP//EMI EMSP 332)
Best available source: Patrick Woodroffe/Dave Greenslade The Pentateuch Of The Cosmogony [1994 remaster] (UK CD//BGO Records BGOCD170)

Deep Green (The Whale’s Song) *
(Jack Lancaster) (5:01)
Deep Green [edit]**
(Jack Lancaster) (4:16)
Deep Green (Remix) **
(Jack Lancaster) (3:23)
Recording date: 1979?
Recording location: Trident Studios/London
Produced by: Robin Lumley & Jack Lancaster
Performed by: Jack Lancaster feat. Phil Collins (vocals), Robin Lumley a.o.
*First official release: 1980 – Jack Lancaster Skinningrove Bay (DE LP//Acrobat Records 1 C 064-64 056)
*Best available source: Jack Lancaster Jack Lancaster’s Carnival Of The Animals [2016 remaster] (US CD//Verdant Records V00108)
**First official release/Best available source: 1999 – Various Artists The ‚Skinningrove Bay‘ Sessions (CD//Neon NE 34512)

Little Moon
(Stephen Bishop) (3:10)
Sex Kittens Go To College
(Stephen Bishop) (1:30)
Recording date: 1979?
Recording location: Air Studios/London
Produced by: Mike Mainieri & Tommy Lipuma
Performed by: Stephen Bishop feat. Phil Collins (drums/percussion), John Giblin, Eric Clapton, Gary Brooker a.o.
First official release: 1980 – Stephen Bishop Red Cab To Manhattan (US LP//Warner Bros. Records BSK 3473)
Best available source: Stephen Bishop Red Cab To Manhattan [2018 remaster] (US CD//Wounded Bird Records WOU 3473)
Durch Eric Clapton lernt Phil auch den Singer/Songwriter John Martyn kennen, mit dem er in diesem Jahr als Trennungs-Leidensgenosse viel Zeit verbringt und gleich auch als Drummer Martyns‘ neues Album komplett einspielt. Die Freundschaft wird ein Leben lang anhalten.

Some People Are Crazy
(John Martyn) (4:19)
Grace And Danger
(John Martyn) (4:04)
Lookin‘ On
(John Martyn) (5:14)
Johnny Too Bad
(Delroy Wilson/Derrick Leapold Crooks/Hylton Beckford/Winston Bailey/John Martyn) (3:57)
Sweet Little Mystery [1979 version]
(John Martyn) (5:25)
Hurt In Your Heart
(John Martyn) (4:58)
Baby Please Come Home
(John Martyn) (3:55)
Save Some (For Me)
(John Martyn) (3:31)
Our Love
(Beverley Martyn/John Martyn) (3:59)
Small Hat *
(John Martyn) (4:21)
Running Up The Harbour *
(John Martyn) (6:35)
Dead On Arrival *
(John Martyn) (4:47)
After Tommorrow Night *
(John Martyn) (4:06)
Lilo Blondino *
(John Martyn) (5:08)
Some People Are Crazy (First Version) *
(John Martyn) (3:55)
Grace And Danger (First Version) *
(John Martyn) (4:11)
Johnny Too Bad (First Version) *
(Delroy Wilson/Derrick Leapold Crooks/Hylton Beckford/Winston Bailey/John Martyn) (3:47)
Sweet Little Mystery (First Version) *
(John Martyn) (4:29)
Baby Please Come Home (First Version) *
(John Martyn) (4:57)
Our Love (First Version) *
(Beverley Martyn/John Martyn) (5:27)
Hurt In Your Heart (The Instrumental) *
(John Martyn) (4:56)
Johnny Too Bad (Dub Mix) *
(Delroy Wilson/Derrick Leapold Crooks/Hylton Beckford/Winston Bailey/John Martyn) (3:46)
Recording date: Summer 1979
Recording location: DJM Studios/London, Morgan Studios/London
Produced by: Martin Levan
Performed by: John Martyn feat. Phil Collins (drums, backing vocals), John Giblin a.o.
First official release: October 1980 – John Martyn Grace & Danger (UK LP//Island Records ILPS 9560)
Best available source/*First official release: John Martyn Grace & Danger (Deluxe Edition) [2007 remaster] (EU 2CD//Island Records 984 268-7)
Ende August kommt es zu einem denkwürdigen und ungewöhnlichen Ereignis, als Phil Collins als Drummer für einen Auftritt seines ex-Bandkollegen Peter Gabriel auf dem legendären Reading Festival in Erscheinung tritt.

Biko [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (7:29)
On The Air [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:02)
D.I.Y. [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:19)
Humdrum [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (2:58)
No Self-Control [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (3:48)
White Shadow [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:56)
Mother Of Violence [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel/Jill Gabriel) (5:15)
Animal Magic [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:17)
I Don’t Remember [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (5:30)
Modern Love [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:36)
Moribund The Burgermeister [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:58)
Perspective [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (3:36)
Solsbury Hill [live 1979]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:06)
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway [live 1979]
(Genesis) (8:00)
Recording date: 26th August 1979
Recording location: Reading Festival/Reading
Produced by:
Performed by: Peter Gabriel feat. Phil Collins (drums, backing vocals),
First official release: various radio broadcasts
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Reading Festival (FM hiRes download//https://www.genesis-movement.org/php/showdetails.php?uid=7071)
Im September geht Phil ein letztes Mal mit Brand X auf Tour. Dabei trommelt er auch einige Brand X-Tracks, die zuvor mit anderen Schlagzeugern eingespielt wurden: Dance Of The Illegal Aliens, Access To Data und The Ghost Of Mayfield Lodge. Neben diversen nicht-offiziellen Bootlegs wird es Jahre später auch zwei offizielle Veröffentlichungen geben…

Disco Suicide/Algon [live 1979]
(Robin Lumley) (14.14)
Dance Of The Illegal Aliens [live 1979]
(Percy Jones) (11.56)
Don’t Make Waves [live 1979]
(John Goodsall) (6.16)
Malaga Virgen [live 1979]
(Percy Jones) (13.34)
…And So To F… [live 1979]
(Phil Collins) (12.24)
Nuclear Burn [live 1979]
(John Goodsall/Percy Jones/Phil Collins/Robin Lumley) (12.02)
Performance date: 23rd September 1979 (late show)
Performance location: The Roxy/Los Angeles
Produced by: ?
Performed by: Brand X (PC, JG, PJ, RL, Peter Robinson)
First official release: 1995 – Brand X Live At The Roxy LA (UK CD//Zok Records ZCDBX010)
Best available source: Brand X Live At The Roxy LA (UK CD//Gonzo Multimedia HST193CD)

Algon [live 1979 II]
(Robin Lumley) (6:48)
Dance Of The Illegal Aliens [live 1979 II]
(Percy Jones) (11:23)
Don’t Make Waves [live 1979 II]
(John Goodsall) (6:02)
Malaga Virgen [live 1979 II]
(Percy Jones) (13:15)
…And So To F… [live 1979 II]
(Phil Collins) (9:11)
Performance date: 27th September 1979 (late show?)
Performance location: The Bottom Line/New York City
Produced by: ?
Performed by: Brand X (PC, JG, PJ, RL, PR)
First official release/Best available source: 2003 – Brand X Trilogy (US 3CD//Buckyball Records BR011)
Gegen Ende des Jahres 1979 hilft Phil seinem alten Genesis-Kollegen Peter Gabriel aus, der keine feste Band mehr und vermehrt Lust auf Experimente hat. Für einige Tracks seines dritten Albums steuert Phil die Schlagzeug-Spuren bei, die komplett ohne Metall – sprich Becken – auskommen sollen. Mit Hilfe des Technik-Assistenten von Produzent Steve Lillywhite, Hugh Padgham, entsteht jener wuchtige Drum-Sound, für den Phil Collins in der Folgezeit berühmt werden sollte…

(Peter Gabriel) (4:54)
No Self-Control
(Peter Gabriel) (3:55)
Family Snapshot
(Peter Gabriel) (4:29)
(Peter Gabriel) (7:33)
Wallflower [original version instrumental]*
(Peter Gabriel) (4:16)
Recording date: Summer/Autumn 1979
Recording location: Manor Mobile/Bath, The Townhouse/London
Produced by: Steve Lillywhite
Performed by: Peter Gabriel feat. Phil Collins (Drums, Percussion), John Giblin a.o.
First official release: 30th May 1980 – Peter Gabriel 3 (UK LP//Charisma CDS 4019)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel 3 [2009 remaster] (24bit/96kHz hiRes download//Real World Productions Ltd.)
*First official release: —
*Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel Ashcombe Works (CD//)

Intruder [alternate mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (3:30)
First official release: —
Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel Book Of Memories (2CD//)
Intruder [alternate mix 2]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:50)
First official release: —
Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel The Shop Tape (hiRes download//)
(Peter Gabriel/Horst Königstein) (5:00)
First official release: 2nd June 1980 – Peter Gabriel Ein deutsches Album (UK LP//Charisma CDS 4013)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Ein deutsches Album [2009 remaster] (24bit/96kHz hiRes download//Real World Productions Ltd.)

No Self-Control [instrumental mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:00)
First official release: —
Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel Ashcombe Works (CD//)
No Self-Control [edit]
(Peter Gabriel) (3:46)
First official release/Best available source: 2nd May 1980 – Peter Gabriel No Self Control (UK 7″//Charisma CB 360)
No Self-Control [edit 2]
(Peter Gabriel) (3:24)
First official release/Best available source: 1980 – Various Artists Hot Wax (UK LP//K-Tel NE 1082)
Keine Selbstkontrolle
(Peter Gabriel/Horst Königstein) (4:00)
First official release: June 1980 – Peter Gabriel Ein deutsches Album (UK LP//Charisma CDS 4013)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Ein deutsches Album [2009 remaster] (24bit/96kHz hiRes download//Real World Productions Ltd.)

Family Snapshot [alternate mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (4:28)
First official release: —
Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel The Shop Tape (hiRes download//)
Schnappschuss (Ein Familienfoto)
(Peter Gabriel/Horst Königstein) (4:26)
First official release: June 1980 – Peter Gabriel Ein deutsches Album (UK LP//Charisma CDS 4013)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Ein deutsches Album [2009 remaster] (24bit/96kHz hiRes download//Real World Productions Ltd.)

Biko [alternate mix]
(Peter Gabriel) (7:07)
First official release: —
Best available source: Bootleg – Peter Gabriel The Shop Tape (hiRes download//)
Biko [edit]
(Peter Gabriel) (6:55)
First official release: 19th November 1990 – Peter Gabriel Shaking The Tree (CD//Virgin PGTVD 6)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Shaking The Tree [2002 remaster] (24bit/96kHz hiRes download//Real World Productions Ltd.)
Biko (Remixed Version)
(Peter Gabriel) (8:55)
First official release: August 1980 – Peter Gabriel Biko (UK 12″//Charisma CB 370-12)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Flotsam And Jetsam [2019 remasters?] (24bit/48kHz hiRes download//Real World Productions Ltd.)
Biko (Special Edited Version)
(Peter Gabriel) (4:00)
First official release/Best available source: August 1980 – Peter Gabriel Biko (UK promo 7″//Charisma CBDJ 370)
Biko [german version]
(Peter Gabriel – Horst Königstein) (8:55)
Remix date: 1980
Remixed by: Peter Gabriel & David Lord
First official release: June 1980 – Peter Gabriel Ein deutsches Album (UK LP//Charisma CDS 4013)
Best available source: Peter Gabriel Ein deutsches Album [2009 remaster] (24bit/96kHz hiRes download//Real World Productions Ltd.)
Im Laufe des Jahres 1979 bastelt Phil Collins in seinem Zuhause „Old Croft“, in dem er ein kleines Heimstudio eingerichtet hat, an eigenen Songs, in denen er seine gescheiterte Ehe verarbeiten kann. Es ist zunächst nicht der Plan, wie seine Kollegen Banks und Rutherford ein Solo-Album zu veröffentlichen. Einige der Demos spielt er den beiden vor, um sie möglicherweise auf dem kommenden Genesis-Album zu verwerten…

In The Air [In The Air Tonight demo]
(Phil Collins) (1:15)
First official release: 3rd February 1981 – Capital Radio Show broadcast
Best available source: Bootleg – Phil Collins & Genesis Capital Radio Broadcasts 1976-82 (FM hiRes download//AV04)

In The Air [In The Air Tonight demo 2]
(Phil Collins) (5:04)
First official release/Best available source: 2010/2011 – official Phil Collins Fanclub (128kb/s mp3 download//philcollins.com)

In The Air [In The Air Tonight demo 2 edit]
(Phil Collins) (4:56)
First official release: May 1981 – Phil Collins If Leaving Me Is Easy (UK 7″//Virgin VS 423)
Best available source: Phil Collins Other Sides [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/16bit PCM download//Rhino Entertinment Company)

In The Air [In The Air Tonight demo 2 edit 2]
(Phil Collins) (4:17)
First official release/Best available source: May 1981 – Phil Collins If Leaving Me Is Easy (UK 12″//Virgin VS 423)

Roof Is Leaking [The Roof Is Leaking instrumental demo]
(Phil Collins) (3:17)
First official release/Best available source: 2010/2011 – Official Phil Collins Fanclub (128kb/s mp3 Download//philcollins.com)

The Roof Is Leaking (Demo)
(Phil Collins) (3:12)
First official release/Best available source: Phil Collins Face Value [2015 remaster] (EU 2CD//Atlantic PCCD81)

Latin Marimba [Hand In Hand instrumental demo]
(Phil Collins) (4:57)
First official release/Best available source: 2010/2011 – official Phil Collins Fanclub (128kb/s mp3 download//philcollins.com)

I Miss You, Babe [I Missed Again demo]
(Phil Collins) (4:05)
First official release: May 1981 – Phil Collins If Leaving Me Is Easy (UK 7″//Virgin VS 423)
Best available source: Phil Collins Other Sides [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/16bit PCM download//Rhino Entertinment Company)

I Miss You, Babe [I Missed Again demo edit]
(Phil Collins) (3:17)
First official release/Best available source: May 1981 – Phil Collins If Leaving Me Is Easy (UK 12″//Virgin VS 423)

I Miss You, Babe [I Missed Again instrumental demo]
(Phil Collins) (3:46)
First official release/Best available source: 2010/2011 – official Phil Collins Fanclub (128kb/s mp3 download//philcollins.com)

Don’t Break My Heart [I’m Not Moving/Me & Virgil demo]
(Phil Collins) (3:22)
First official release/Best available source: 2010/2011 – official Phil Collins Fanclub (128kb/s mp3 download//philcollins.com)

If Leaving Me Is Easy [instrumental demo]
(Phil Collins) (4:01)
First official release/Best available source: 2010/2011 – official Phil Collins Fanclub (128kb/s mp3 download//philcollins.com)

If Leaving Me Is Easy [demo]
(Phil Collins) (5:13)
First official release: May 1981 – Phil Collins If Leaving Me Is Easy (UK 7″//Virgin VS 423)
Best available source: Phil Collins Other Sides [2019 remaster?] (44.1kHz/16bit PCM download//Rhino Entertinment Company)

If Leaving Me Is Easy [demo edit]
(Phil Collins) (4:13)
First official release/Best avilable source: May 1981 – Phil Collins If Leaving Me Is Easy (UK 12″//Virgin VS 423)

Tomorrow Never Knows [demo]
(John Lennon/Paul McCartney) (3:43)
First official release: 5th February 1980 – Capital Radio Show broadcast
Best available source: Bootleg – Phil Collins & Genesis Capital Radio Broadcasts 1976-82 (FM hiRes download//AV04)

How Can You Sit There [Against All Odds instrumental demo]
(Phil Collins) (2:56)
First official release: 2010/2011 – Official Phil Collins Fanclub (128kb/s mp3 download//philcollins.com)
Best available source: Phil Collins Face Value [2015 remaster] (EU 2CD//Atlantic PCCD81)

D Minor Swing [Misunderstanding demo]
(Phil Collins) (3:01)
First official release: 5th February 1980 – Capital Radio Show broadcast
Best available source: Phil Collins Face Value [2015 remaster] (EU 2CD//Atlantic PCCD81)

Please Don’t Ask [demo]
(Phil Collins) (4:12)
First official release: 3rd February 1981 – Capital Radio Show broadcast
Best available source: Phil Collins Face Value [2015 remaster] (EU 2CD//Atlantic PCCD81
Recording date: 1979?
Recording location: Old Croft
Produced by: Phil Collins
Performed by: Phil Collins feat. Eric Clapton & ?
Im November und Dezember nimmt Phil mit Genesis das Album Duke in den Polar Studios von ABBA auf, auf welchem auch zwei von Phils Demos in überarbeiteter Form ein Zuhause finden: Misunderstanding und Please Don’t Ask..

Die 1980er beginnen für Phil wahrscheinlich mit einem kleinen Beitrag für ein Album der Band Orleans…

(Marilyn Mason, Larry Hoppen, Bob Leinbach) (4:32)
Recording date: Winter 1980
Recording location: The Cabin In The Woods/Bearsville, Trident Studios/London
Produced by: Robin Lumley & Orleans
Performed by: Orleans feat. Phil Collins (backing vocals) & Morris Pert
First official release/Best available source: 1980 – Orleans Orleans (US LP//MCA Records MCA-5110)
Ab Mitte März geht es dann wieder mit Genesis bis Ende Juni auf Konzertreise. Danach gibt es für Phil kleine Auftragsarbeiten für Mike Oldfield und Rupert Hine…

Taurus 1
(Mike Oldfield) (10:16)
(Mike Oldfield) (3:32)
Shiva (2012 Rework Of Sheba) *
(Mike Oldfield) (3:39)
Recording date: summer 1980
Recording location: Denham
Produced by: David Hentschel & Mike Oldfield
Performed by: Mike Oldfield feat. Phil Collins (drums), David Hentschel a.o.
First official release: 31st October 1980 – Mike Oldfield QE2 (UK LP//Virgin V2181)
Best available source/*First official release: Mike Oldfield QE2 [2012 remaster] (CD//Mercury 533 941-9)

(Rupert Hine) (3:51)
Another Stranger
(Rupert Hine) (4:42)
Recording date: 1980?
Recording location: Farmyard Studios/Buckinghamshire
Produced by: Rupert Hine & Stephen W. Tayler
Performed by: Rupert Hine feat. Phil Collins (percussion) a.o.
First official release: February? 1981 – Rupert Hine Immunity (UK LP//A&M Records AMLH 68519)
Best available source: Rupert Hine Surface Tension – The Recordings 1981-1983 [2023 remasters] (UK 3CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC32816)
Ermutigt vom amerikaischen Atlantic Records-Boss Ahmet Ertegun macht sich Phil Collins außerdem ab Juli 1980 an die Arbeit, sein erstes Solo-Album aufzunehmen und zu produzieren. Auch mindestens zwei weitere Demos werden im Sommer aufgenommen …

IIt Must Be Love [This Must Be Love demo]
(Phil Collins) (3:58)
First official release: 2010/2011 – official Phil Collins Fanclub (128kb/s mp3 download//philcollins.com)
Best available source: Phil Collins Face Value [2015 remaster] (EU 2CD//Atlantic PCCD81)

Thunder And Lightning [demo]
(Phil Collins) (?)
First official release/Best available source: —
Recording date: summer 1980
Recording location: Old Croft
Produced by: Phil Collins
Performed by: Phil Collins
Um das Album möglichst authentisch zu machen, werden dazu die bereits vorhandenen Demo-Aufnahmen mitverwendet und mit allerlei Overdubs veredelt. Der Prozess nimmt ein halbes Jahr in Anspruch, und Face Value wird schließlich im Februar 1981 veröffentlicht …

In The Air Tonight
(Phil Collins) (5:27)
This Must Be Love
(Phil Collins) (3:55)
Behind The Lines
(Tony Banks/Phil Collins/Mike Rutherford) (3:54)
The Roof Is Leaking
(Phil Collins) (3:15)
(Phil Collins) (2:49)
Hand In Hand
(Phil Collins) (5:20)
I Missed Again
(Phil Collins) (3:40)
You Know What I Mean
(Phil Collins) (2:33)
Thunder And Lightning
(Phil Collins) (4:11)
I’m Not Moving
(Phil Collins) (2:30)
If Leaving Me Is Easy
(Phil Collins) (4:54)
Tomorrow Never Knows
(John Lennon/Paul McCartney) (4:15)
Over The Rainbow [hidden bonus track]
(E.Y. Harburg/Harold Arlen) (0:30)
Recording date: June 1980 – January 1981
Recording location: Old Croft, The Town House/London, The Village Recorder/Los Angeles
Produced by: Phil Collins with Hugh Padgham
Performed by: Phil Collins feat. Daryl Stuermer, John Giblin, Alphonso Johnson a.o.
First official release: 9th February 1981 – Phil Collins Face Value (UK LP//Virgin V2185)
Best available source: Phil Collins Face Value [2015 remaster] (24bit/96kHz hiRes download//Rhino Entertainment Company)
Vor allem vom Überraschungs-Hit In The Air Tonight gab es über die Jahre zahlreiche Versionen, aber auch vom „Hidden Bonus Track“ des Albums existiert eine komplette Version…

Over The Rainbow [full length version]
(E.Y. Harburg/Harold Arlen) (1:15)
First official release: —
Best available source: Phil Collins BBC Rock Hour 29th March 1981 (preFM LP//BBC #213)

In The Air Tonight [edit?]
(Phil Collins) (4:57)
First official release: 1981 – Phil Collins In The Air Tonight (?? 7″//???)
Best available source:

In The Air Tonight [remix]
(Phil Collins) (5:00)
First official release: May 1981 – Phil Collins In The Air Tonight (US? 7″/Atlantic?)
Best available source: Phil Collins In The Air Tonight [1992 remaster] (US CDS//Atlantic 132312)

In The Air Tonight (’88 Remix)
(Phil Collins) (5:07)
Remix date: 1988
Remixed by: Phil Collins & Hugh Padgham
First official release: 1988 – Phil Collins In The Air Tonight (’88 Remix) (UK CDS//Virgin VSCD 102)
Best available source: Phil Collins Remixed Sides (hiRes download//Rhino Entertainment Company)

In The Air Tonight (Extended Version)
(Phil Collins) (7:33)
Remix date: 1988
Remixed by: Ben Liebrand
First official release: 1988 – Phil Collins In The Air Tonight (’88 Remix) (UK CDS//Virgin VSCD 102)
Best available source: Phil Collins Remixed Sides (hiRes download//Rhino Entertainment Company)

In The Air Tonite (Boogieman’s Album Version)
(Phil Collins) (4:21)
In The Air Tonite (Boogieman Radio Version)
(Phil Collins) (4:00)
In The Air Tonite (Mintman’s Floorfiller Mix)
(Phil Collins) (3:56)
In The Air Tonite (True Busyness Remix)
(Phil Collins) (4:29)
In The Air Tonite (Stargate Remix)
(Phil Collins) (4:28)
In The Air Tonite (Stargate Instrumental) *
(Phil Collins) ()
In The Air Tonite (Soulforce Club Mix) **
(Phil Collins) (6:33)
In The Air Tonite (Soulforce Sunshine Mix) **
(Phil Collins) (7:54)
In The Air Tonite (Soulforce Monster Dub) **
(Phil Collins) (10:05)
Remix date: 2001
Remixed by: various
First official release/Best available source: 2001 – Lil‘ Kim feat. Phil Collins In The Air Tonite (CDS//WEA 8573 89707-2)
First official release/Best available source: 2001 – Lil‘ Kim feat. Phil Collins In The Air Tonite (DE 12″//WEA 8573 89588-0)
First official release/Best available source: 2001 – Lil‘ Kim feat. Phil Collins In The Air Tonite (The House Mixes) (DE 12″//WEA 8573-89587-0)

The Roof Is Leaking (Nicka’s Stella Polaris Interpretation)
(Phil Collins) (5:29)
Remix date: 2014
Remixed by: Nicka
First official release: 1st August 2014 – Various Artists Stella Polaris – The X (CD//Stella Polaris Music Stella010CD)
Best available source: Phil Collins Remixed Sides (hiRes download//Rhino Entertainment Company)

Wahrscheinlich im Frühjahr 1981 hilft Phil einem alten und einem neuen Freund. Er trommelt drei Songs für eine Solo-Platte seines alten Flaming Youth-Bandkollegen Brian Chatton und erneut für ein neues Album von John Martyn, welches er sogar produzieren darf. Damit startet für ihn sozusagen eine dritte Karriere…

Comin‘ On Stronger
(Brian Chatton) (3:19)
Thru‘ The Window
(Brian Chatton) (3:44)
You Got It Comin
(Brian Chatton) (4:19)
? Help Me Doctor
(Brian Chatton) (2:41)
Recording date: summer 1980 – spring 1981
Recording location: Regents Park Studios/London, James Morgan, Magritte, Eel Lie, Orange, Island
Produced by: Brian Chatton & Andy Dalby
Performed by: Chatton feat. Phil Collins (drums) a.o.
First official release/Best available source: October? 1981 – Chatton Playing For Time (UK LP//RCA LP 5058)

Couldn’t Love You More [1981 version]
(John Martyn) (4:00)
(John Martyn) (5:29)
Hold On My Heart
(John Martyn) (4:39)
Perfect Hustler
(John Martyn) (4:47)
Hearts And Keys
(John Martyn) (7:30)
Glorious Fool
(John Martyn) (4:58)
Never Say Never
(John Martyn) (4:54)
Pascanel (Get Back Home)
(John Martyn) (3:48)
Didn’t Do That
(John Martyn) (4:21)
Please Fall In Love With Me
(John Martyn) (6:12)
Don’t You Go
(John Martyn) (4:40)
Please Fall In Love With Me [edit]*
(John Martyn) (4:22)
Couldn’t Love You More [sped up version]** [1981 version]
(John Martyn) (3:48)
Couldn’t Love You More (Instrumental) *** [1981 version]
(John Martyn) (3:25)
Recording date: Spring 1981?
Recording location: Townhouse/London
Produced by: Phil Collins
Performed by: John Martyn feat. Phil Collins (drums, backing vocals, piano) a.o.
First official release: 1st September 1981 – John Martyn Glorious Fool (UK LP//WEA K 99178)
Best available source: John Martyn Glorious Fool [2008 remaster] (EU CD//Rhino 2564-69484-6)
*First official release/Best available source: August 1981 – John Martyn Please Fall In Love With Me (UK 7″//WEA K 79243)
**First official release: 1981 – John Martyn Glorious Fool (US LP//Duke Records DU 19345)
**Best available source: John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More (US promo 12″//Duke Records PR 437)
***First official release/Best available source: May 1982 – John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More (US 7″//Duke Records DU 4041)
Im Mai und Juni des Jahres konzentriert sich Phil wieder auf seine Band Genesis, als sie erstmals in ihrem eigenen, neu eingerichteten Studio „The Farm“ ihr neues Album ABACAB aufnehmen. Ohne Termindruck nimmt man sich die Zeit, den Großteil der Songs erst dort entstehen zu lassen, aber auch der Collins-Song Man On The Corner kommt zum Einsatz. Ebenso Ideen seines Demos zu Don’t Break My Heart finden sich im Non-Album-Track Me & Virgil wieder. Vermutlich im Sommer des Jahres 1981 findet Phil die Zeit, wieder bei Rupert Hine im Studio für eine Percussion-Spur verbeizuschauen und Schlagzeug für ex-Procol Harum-Mastermind Gary Brookers zweitem Solo-Album einzuspielen…

Innocents In Paradise
(Rupert Hine) (3:24)
Recording date: Summer 1981?
Recording location: Farmyard Studios/Buckinghamshire
Produced by: Rupert Hine & Stephen W. Tayler
Performed by: Rupert Hine feat. Phil Collins (percussions), Phil Palmer a.o.
First official release: February 1982 – Rupert Hine Waving Not Drowning (EU LP//A&M Records AMLH 68541)
Best available source: Rupert Hine Surface Tension – The Recordings 1981-1983 [2023 remasters] (UK 3CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC32816)

Mineral Man
(Gary Brooker) (3:19)
? Another Way
(Gary Brooker) (4:07)
The Cycle
(Gary Brooker) (3:20)
? The Angler
(Gary Brooker) (5:32)
Sympathy For The Hard Of Hearing
(Gary Brooker) (6:31)
Recording date: summer 1981?
Recording location:
Produced by: Gary Brooker
Performed by: Gary Brooker feat. Phil Collins (drums), George Harrison, Eric Clapton a.o.
First official release: 1st March 1982 – Gary Brooker Lead Me To The Water (UK LP//Mercury 6359 098)
Best available source: Gary Brooker Lead Me To The Water [2011 remaster] (UK CD//Esoteric Recordings ECLEC2271)
Phil Collins‘ Solo-Material reicht noch nicht aus, um komplette Konzertabende auszufüllen, dennoch gibt es einen ersten Solo-Live-Auftritt anlässlich einer Benefiz-Show zugunsten Amnesty International…

In The Air Tonight [live 1981]
(Phil Collins) (5:12)
The Roof Is Leaking [live 1981]
(Phil Collins) (3:45)
I Shall Be Released [with The Secret Police*] [live 1981]
(Bob Dylan) (9:21)
Performance date: 9th September 1981
Recording location: Theatre Royal, Drury Lane/London
Produced by: Martin Lewis
Performed by: Phil Collins feat. Daryl Stuermer, *Sting, Eric Clapton, Mo Foster a.o.
First official release: 1982 – Various Artists The Secret Policeman’s Concert (UK LP//Island Records 204 368-320)
Best available source: Various Artists The Secret Policeman’s Concert [1992 remaster] (UK CD//Castle Communications CCSCD 351)
Die letzten drei Monate des Jahres 1981 ist Phil mit Genesis auf Tour, um ihr aktuelles Album ABACAB zu promoten. Danach werden sich alle drei Band-Mitglieder wieder ihren Solo-Aktivitäten widmen…
Autor / Recherchen: Steffen Gerlach
Redaktion: Ulrich Klemt, Christian Gerhardts
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